Giulia Zannin, Diederik Ornée (chalumeaux)
Ivan Iliev (violin)
Cassandra Luckhardt (cello)
Vaughan Schlepp (harpsichord)
Calliope is a new and innovative ensemble, founded by five befriended musicians from four countries who know each other from years of shared concert experience. Their fervent desire is to present to audiences an almost forgotten member of the clarinet family, the chalumeau (pl.: chalumeaux). This family has four members, soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
The chalumeau had a relatively short existence, from ca. 1700 until ca. 1800. Toward the end of this period, the clarinet, which was based on the chalumeau, was developed and the chalumeau was driven from the concert stage. Nevertheless, in the century in which the chalumeau flourished, many beautiful works were written for it, especially in Vienna (Johann Joseph Fux), Darmstadt (Christoph Graupner), Hamburg (Georg Philipp Telemann) and Dresden (Jan Dismas Zelenka).
This plentiful repertoire showcases the chalumeau’s tremendous versatility, with impressive virtuosity on one hand and gentle expressiveness on the other. The combination of two chalumeaux, violin, cello or gamba and harpsichord makes numerous concert programmes possible, with both original and transcribed works, with which Calliope explores the varied and fascinating colour combinations of the repertoire.
Calliope’s varied and charming programmes offer beautiful repertoire interspersed with information about the music and the instruments presented by the enthusiastic members of the ensemble.
The inspiration for this ensemble’s name comes from Calliope calliope, the Latin name for the Siberian Rubythroat, a little-known but beautiful member of the thrush family of songbirds. Its song has been described as “a sweet, complex, penetrating and slightly melancholic warbling, containing both clear, flutelike tones and shrill notes”. Calliope is also one of the nine muses and she presided over eloquence and epic poetry. Her name meant “beautiful-voiced” in classical Greek. In his Metamorphoses, Ovid recounts a singing match which Calliope wins convincingly.
Our ensemble showcases the chalumeau with its combination of the sweet, melancholic voice of the songbird, its poetic quality of the muse, and its virtuosity.
The chalumeau’s considerable repertoire remains largely unpublished to this day and its music is seldom heard in today’s early music concert venues.
Our programmes showcase the chalumeau in all its versatility, from virtuosity to expressiveness, and we offer a widely varying range of programmes which explore this versatility in all its facets, with instrumentation from duos to quintets which present all four members of the chalumeau family, soprano, alto, tenor and bass, combined with violin, cello or gamba and harpsichord.
In addition to original works by the grand masters of the chalumeau repertoire, G. Ph. Telemann, Ch. Graupner, J. A. Hasse and J. F. Fasch, we also present arrangements of beautiful arias by A. M. Bononcini which justify the reputation of the chalumeau’s sound as resembling that of the human voice.
Our passion for the works written for the chalumeau is supported by our years of experience with historically informed performance practice, and through our programmes we hope to offer modern audiences a taste of the varied and fascinating colour combinations of the chalumeau’s repertoire.
Welcome to our Dutch tour
supported by the FPK
Muziek van Telemann, Graupner, Ernst and Bononcini
7/7 2021 - Hilversum
De Kapel
‘s Gravelandseweg 144
aanvang: 20:00
prijs: €12,50
For more information or bookings,
please get in touch:
+31 653466454 (Giulia Zannin)
+31 633947128 (Diederik Ornèe)